Commodities forecasts


OPEC oil – On Monday, OPEC predicted a significant reduction in oil production in countries outside the cartel in 2016, due to which OPEC oil demand will increase.

In its monthly report, OPEC predicts that production in countries outside the organization this year will fall by 660 000 barrels per day. In December, the cartel had predicted a decline of 380 000 barrels per day.

"The analysis shows that in 2016 the market will depend on the offer. Also this year will begin the process of restoring equilibrium", - the report says.

The growth of global consumption, according to the calculations of OPEC, this year will slow to 1.26 million barrels per day, from 1.54 million last year.

The report says nothing about the forecast of Iran production after the lifting of sanctions. Iranian authorities have ordered to increase production by 500 000 barrels per day, said on Monday Shana news agency quoting the deputy oil minister, Rokneddin Javadi.

Gold – The offer on primary gold global market in the medium term could fall by 15-20%, says the head of Polymetal (MCX: POLY) Vitaly Nesis.

"The fourth quarter of last year, in my opinion, was a peak quarter for primary gold offer in the world market, - he told Financial Times. - I believe that the offer will decrease by 15-20% over the next 3-4 years."

On the other hand, the Thomson Reuters GFMS forecasts this year the world production of gold will decrease by 3%, completing a 7-year period of growth. GFMS estimates the production of gold at the end of 2015 to be at level of 3155 tons, which is 1% more than in 2014.

According to quarterly data of GFMS, the total supply of gold on the world market for I-III quarters of 2015 amounted to 3211 tons, including production - 2353 tons.

Aluminum – The world's largest aluminum producer – China Hongqiao Group Co, expects that the decline in consolidated profit in 2015 will amount to 25-35%.

According to a press release, this is due to losses on US dollar denominated debt due to devaluation of Yuan. In addition, aluminum prices have declined significantly in the last quarter of last year.

The course of the Chinese national currency against the dollar fell almost 6% since August 11, 2015. Aluminum on the LME fell 19% last year, reported Bloomberg.

Hongqiao Shares in Hong Kong on Monday fell 2.5%, while in the course of trading the decline reached at some point 8.2%.

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