Greece could not pay the dept on time


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that Greece has not returned within the specified period, the needed 1.55 billion euro. Thus Greece became the first developed country that has delayed for the debts to the international organization.

On Tuesday, in a conference call, the finance ministers of the eurozone countries have not supported a Greek request for 29 billion euro of aid from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). According to the agency Bloomberg, the query does not have any commitments for reforms.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on Tuesday rejected the possibility of talks with Greece until the referendum in which its position on the agreement with the creditors will be decided by the citizens.

The Eurogroup Chairman, Jeroen Dijsselbloem believes that the position of the Greek authorities in recent days has not changed.

However, on Wednesday morning, the finance ministers will again discuss the proposals of Greece. Although they are ready to compromise, but, nevertheless, are not willing to radically change their approach concerning the conditions of assistance, as well as breaking the established procedures in the euro zone of its approval.

Many believe the unexpected actions of the Greek government only tactical steps designed to extract concessions from creditors.

Now the Greek government urges citizens to vote against the proposed conditions of lenders. At the same time, the sound assumption that under certain conditions, Alexis Tsipras office may change its position, writes The Wall Street Journal.

Greece was left without the support of the EU and the IMF

European politicians argue that "no" will make the provision of aid to Greece almost impossible.

Meanwhile, the current program of aid to Greece expired on Tuesday and for the first 5 years the country was left without support.

Meanwhile, about 20 thousand people took to the streets on Tuesday in Athens in support of international lenders offering to resolve the debt crisis. According to media reports, protesters were waving flags of the EU and Greece gathered in front of the parliament building on Syntagma Square.

Earlier, The Guardian referring to the Greek media and sources in Athens said that large and medium-sized companies in Greece require their employees to go to the demonstration on Tuesday in support of the "yes" in the referendum.

On July 10, Greece should consider the next big payment on the debt: the country has to pay 2 billion euro to bondholders. On July 20, Greece will have to pay 3.5 billion euro to the European Central Bank.

The forecast reduction in Greece's GDP for 2015 deteriorated to 1.5%

Also, the international rating agency Fitch Ratings has lowered long-term credit ratings of Greece's local and foreign currency from "CCC" to "CC". The forecast is negative.

Another rating agency of the "big three" - Standard & Poor's, previously downgraded the credit ratings of Greece to "CCC" to "CCC-", as a negative outlook.

On Monday, banks in Greece were closed on July 6 due to the outflow of deposits and liquidity shortage. In addition, authorities have imposed a limit on cash withdrawals at ATM’s in 60 euro a day. Athens Stock Exchange will also remain closed on this time.


Due to imposed restrictions on the movement of capital, Fitch lowered the ratings of the banks of Greece to "RD" or "restricted default."

The agency also downgraded the reduction of Greece's GDP for the current year to 1.5%. If in the referendum on Sunday, Greeks will vote against the proposals of creditors, the recession may go even deeper, analysts of Fitch warn.

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