Pessimism about the Chinese economy is exaggerated says China Beige Book


The poll with representatives of Chinese companies in various fields of economy China Beige Book (CBB) shows that pessimism is the world's politicians and experts on the Chinese economy is greatly exaggerated.

The survey results indicate a lack of slowdown signals in China's economy after the recent collapse of the stock market, as well as the devaluation of the Yuan, reports Bloomberg.

At the same time, the survey has revealed the growth of investment companies in recent period and strengthening services.

"The perception of the situation in China separates with the facts most significantly in the years that we conduct polls, - said the president of New York-based China Beige Book International, Leland Miller. - Views on China in the world vary from sharply negative to negative. Previously, we always advised our customers do not rely on too optimistic official statistical data in China, but now we believe that the experts have gone too far in the opposite direction. "

The survey results indicate that the picture of the Chinese economy is more nonuniform than disastrous.

For example, in the service sector, which accounts for more than half of China's GDP, there is recorded sales growth, improved pricing and increased investment.

Retail sales and housing market weakened somewhat lately, but as a whole it remains stable and still above the levels of last year, according to the CBB.

The weakening of the Chinese economy is concentrated mainly in the public sector, where you can note a decline of revenue growth, while private business demonstrates only a "slight easing" of the pace of recovery.

The survey results seriously differ from growing skepticism of world politicians and experts about the prospects for China's economy and the ability of the Chinese authorities to support the growth.

Information about the weakening exports from China, the deepening recession in the manufacturing sector of the country, as well as the continuing decline in producer prices, put at risk the possibility of achieving the target of 7% in GDP growth in 2015.

The indicator of activity in the manufacturing sector of China in August fell to its lowest level in 3 years: at 49.7 points.

The survey also found that companies increase investment, employment growth in China accelerates, corporate profits increase, while the pace of recovery of wages is moderately attenuated.

CBB, which released its first quarterly survey in 2012, uses the same methodology as the US Beige Book. China Beige Book is based on a survey of more than 2000 people representing various sectors of the economy and different regions of China.

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