The Germans are against the Ukraine entry in NATO and EU


The majority of Germans are opposed to Ukraine joining NATO and the European Union, according to a survey conducted by the American research organization - Pew Research, organized in member countries of the North Atlantic alliance.

For example, 57% of Germans surveyed said they did not want to see Ukraine as a member of NATO, and only 36% were in favor of the adoption of Kiev in the block.

Also, 54% of Germans were against the entry of Ukraine into the EU, and 41% supported the desire of Kiev to join the EU.

A similar picture showed the poll held in Italy: 47% against Ukraine's accession to the European Union and 37% in favor. Also in Italy, 46 % declared their opinion against the Ukraine in NATO, and only 35 % were positive with the idea.

French in general (53%) are against the inclusion of Ukraine into the European Union, but support (55%) its desire to join NATO.

In favor of Kiev's membership in NATO and the EU voted the majority of respondents from Poland Great Britain and Spain.

The vast majority of Europeans believe that the support of Kiev should be limited to economic aid. Against arms deliveries to Ukraine responded 77% of Germans, 66% of Spaniards, 65% of Italians and 59% of the French.

In Canada and United States the number of supporters for weapon supplying of Kiev for the war on the Donbass turned slightly more - 44% versus 41% and 46% versus 43%, respectively.

In Poland, 50% of respondents were in favor of arms supplies to Kiev (at 36% against).

Citizens of Western Europe at the same time expressed their unwillingness to fight with Russia, even if the allied countries, NATO would face a military threat from the Russian Federation – this point of view expressed 58% of Germans, 51% of Italians and 53% of the French.

In Spain opinions on this subject are divided (48% for the war, 47% - against). People who supported the use of force against the Russian Federation were more in the United States (56%), Canada (53%), the UK (49% vs. 37%) and Poland (48% vs. 34%).

The survey was conducted in the NATO member countries - US, Canada, UK, Poland, Spain, France, Italy and Germany - in April and May 2015.

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