The Greek Problem from another viewpoint


greece euro crisisThe problem of the Greek crisis is mostly viewed from one perspective. This viewpoint is available in media and is induced by the European forces to show the Greek people weaknesses and guilt. This article is about another opinion on the crisis and its cause. It is inspired from James Petras, who was the Director of the Center of Mediterranean Studies in Athens, and it shows the Greece as a victim more than a cause of problems.

Greek Government is currently locked in a difficult struggle with the elite that dominate the banks and political decision making centers of the European Union. 11 million lives are at stake, workers, employees and small businesses along with the viability of the EU. If the ruling party SYRIZA agrees to continue austerity programs, Greece will be sentenced for many years of regression, subsistence and colonial status. If Greece decides to oppose and is forced to leave the EU, it has to denounce the debt of 270 billion euro, which will lead to the collapse of international financial markets and the collapse of the EU. For the Forex market participants, it should be a warning.

The majority of the Greeks (over 70%) require the cease of austerity and debt payment. They want to know about public investments in economic and social development. The EU leadership relies on SYRIZA and hopes that the party won’t conform to these requirements. The default of payment will influence all the creditors and debtors beyond EU borders. Most of the Western banks have some links with Greek banks, so, in case the last ones will collapse, there may be a domino effect that will affect the whole system.

So let’s analyze what are the alternatives for the Greece and the UE and what are actually the causes of this relation. Let’s see the history of the last three decades, understand what is up with SYRIZA, and why the relation of noble-vassal shouldn’t be more an option.



The rise of European Empire

-          In 1980 the Greece was accepted in the European Economic Council as a vassal state of the France-Germany structure.

-          Andreas Papandreou promises its people a distancing of NATO and the EEC, the revocation of the agreement on US military base and an economy based on social ownership of the means of production. However, after the elections, Papandreou ignored his promises and made sure the Greece remains in EEC and NATO and renewed the agreement with US. He opted for loans, transfers, and credits from EEC, sacrificing the economical and political independence of Greece.

-          The PASOK with Papandreou changed the economical course, increasing the consumption. The EEC leadership knew very well that its financial stranglehold over the Greek economy will keep it into the future empire.

-          In 1981-85, Papandreou made some reforms in social protection, salaries, pensions and health insurance. The standard of living was higher but the economy of Greece was kept within European interests, it was a vassal state. The role of Greece in NATO increased. Greece is close to the Middle East and can be used for military interventions. From 1981 to 89, the consumption increased, while the productivity stagnated. In 85, Papandreou wins the elections on EEC money and after this the debt of Greece goes higher and higher. Despite of this, Bruxelles doesn’t react promptly.


Greece in the Euro zone

The PASOK regime continued to serve NATO and continued to get loans after loans. When Costas Simitis was elected as a Prime Minister in 2002, PASOK falsified some data about budget deficit with the help of some Wall Street banks and made possible to enter the Euro zone. By adopting the Euro, Greece was now even more subordinated to unelected official from Bruxelles. At this point the Greek oligarchs benefited from millions and committed bank frauds and tax evasion on a large scale. The 2008 global crisis showed the fragility of Greek state and lead to severe interventions of European Central Bank, the IMF and the European Commission – the infamous “troika”, as the euroskeptics call it. This group dictated the policy of austerity as a condition for bail-out, devastating the Greek economy, impoverishing over 40% of the population and reducing incomes by 25%, which lead to unemployment rate of 28%.

Greece captivated by invitation

There was no reaction from the two leading parties – PASOK and New Democracy. While the trade unions organized over 30 mass protests and general strives, the two parties invited the EU to get the control over Greece. The economical collapse from 2008 influenced most of all the weakest links – Ireland and South Europe. Now the true nature of EU where Germany and France could control the investment, trade and financial policies was evident. The Greek bail-out was actually a pretext for implementing some drastic changes in the economic structure, including the privatization of key sectors of the economy, continuous debt payment, and more. Greece was totally colonized.

Constant crisis and the end of the European Illusion

The Greek elite as well as the people believed for over 5 years that the austerity program was the bitter pill taken for a while and after this, things will get better. In fact, the debt increased more and more and the depression got even worse. The austerity made the bankers rich and robed the public sector. The key to robbing was the losing sovereignty of Greece, and the two major parties had also a role in this. Despite a 55% unemployment rate among young people, cutting electricity of 300000 households and large exodus, the EU refused to admit that austerity policy was a failure. The reason is clear - the EU had to gain a lot from this devastating policy. More than this, if the EU elites admit the failure, this will tense the situation with other South European countries and it will indirectly admit the impotency and illicitness of the European power. All the mass media and prestigious economists serve the Bruxelles oligarch in the Greek question. It is a lesson that other countries, like Spain, Italy or Portugal should learn.

The appearance and development of SYRIZA

The development of SYRIZA from an alliance of small Marxist sects to a party is due to the incorporation of millions of public employees, entrepreneurs from middle and inferior class, ex PASOK members, and others. All these people voted SYRIZA to get back the living conditions and job security. After 5 years of acute suffering, these people refused PASOK and New Democracy. There were protests, marches, strikes, that were made to cease austerity while keeping the EU membership. SYRIZA has the acceptance of many people, many of which were so called radicals.

SYRIZA is formed by more branches, such as:

-          The radicals which come from Marxist groups who formed the initial party.

-          Thousands of public employees who were fired and pensioners who suffered cuts.

-          Unemployed young people

-          The ex PASOK members who saw their sinking party

During the road to victory in 2015, SYRIZA gradually renounced to the radical social changes and considered the Greek business interests. Sometimes the SYRIZA position seems ambiguous because there are two main groups in the party. The “realistic” policies are supported by former PASOK members and new ministers from academic environment. Meanwhile, the radicalism is reflected by unemployed and young people from the party.

UE-SYRIZA: concessions lead to defeat

The debt of Greece doesn’t seem to be a debt of people. Euro institutional lenders and banks knew very well who they gave money to and how risky was that. The oligarchs and bankers who benefited from credits have siphoned off most of the money and the debt now is falsely attributed to the Greek people.

Unfortunately SYRIZA right from the start of “negotiations” has not questioned the legitimacy of debt and didn’t identify who should pay it. It did not discuss the Euro organization; it accepted the EU membership and accepted to pay the debt. These concessions were due to the top people in the party.

#eToro300x250#Right after the SYRIZA democratically won the elections, the UE came with some sever conditions, like:

-          Unconditional surrender of SYRIZA

-          To keep on with the practices of previous parties

-          To suspend all social reforms (higher minimum wage, increased spending on pensions, health, education, etc.)

-          To follow the directives of the “troika”

The party had to choose only from suicide, in case it accepts the EU dictate then it goes against the electors. On the other hand, Bruxelles threatened to cut all the credit facilities, demand all debts, refuse to financially support the Greek bank bonds, and more. The EU didn’t consider the SYRIZA concessions and saw these only as steps to complete surrender. All the proposals and attempts of the party had no effect. It all goes against the Greek people and the media, such as Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Le Monde, and more, sustain the EU propaganda.

The lack of any economic flexibility and availability of EU to accept only a minimal compromise is a political decision: to destroy the credibility of SYRIZA in the eyes of Greek supporters and possible imitators from Spain, Italy, Portugal, and more.


Even if there are serious difficulties between the European and Greek negotiators, there are many reasons and factors that give hope for a positive outcome. The EU still uses its pressure and officially they have the right to do so. The present Greek Prime Minister looks more concerned now to get closer with Brussels lenders, but he also does not ignore a more profound relation with Russia, which can come with generous proposals for the Greek side. The Euro still stays strong, even if the predictions push the US Dollar ahead and is expected that EUR/USD pair goes under 1 this summer.

Because of the problems inside European Union, not only with Greece, Euro loses that stability, but there are many arguments that make you still rely on it. The problems can be solved in a diplomatic and civilized manner and you should follow the news to make sure about the influences and impacts. 

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