Will Russia and Qatar host the World Cup in 2008 and 2022?


In theory, to get back the rights from a country to host the football World Cup is not difficult, though it has never happened in history.

The most loved game on the planet is living turbulence on a background of a series of arrests of high-ranking football officials on charges of bribery, presented by American prosecutors.

Swiss prosecutors conduct a criminal investigation, focused on the circumstances of empowering Russia and Qatar the right to host the world football championship in 2018 and 2022, respectively. The FBI is also investigating the circumstances.

Corruption scandal spawned calls for FIFA to reconsider these decisions, although Russia and Qatar oppose such ideas.

The only time the World Cup has been transferred to another country, occurred in 1986, when Columbia refused to host, citing economic difficulties.

"We are in a completely uncharted waters," - said a former senior official of FIFA. But he added that he considers it possible that Russia or Qatar could lose the right to host the championship.

According to article 85 of the FIFA Statutes, which describes "unforeseen circumstances and force majeure", the Executive Committee makes the final decision on whatever issues that are not described in the present rules. The Executive Committee, which consists of 25 members, usually takes decisions on the basis of a simple majority of votes.

There is some precedent. In May 2003, the Executive Committee has taken away the right to host FIFA Women's World Cup in China because of the outbreak of the virus SARS.

The decision then was made a few weeks after Beijing pledged that he is ready and willing to host the championship. However, the context of the situation - the risks to health and the fact that FIFA has agreed with China to hold the championship in 2007 - cannot be considered an example of this as a fully comparable with the current situation.

FIFA rules also allow members of the organization - 209 national football associations - to make proposals relating to the vote.

FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, on Tuesday night unexpectedly resigned from his post, which he held for 17 years and who was re-elected only for a few days before, despite calls from the West to resign in the wake of the investigation of corruption in FIFA.

The Kremlin said that Blatter's resignation is surprising, but it will continue the preparations for the world football championship 2018, which is to be held in Russia, as the election says.

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